Questions you might have...

Questions you might have...

Questions you might have...

How can I sponsor?

We are excited about the prospect of your sponsorship for our scientific climate project in India. Your support is integral to our mission and can have a profound impact. To explore sponsorship opportunities and align your organization with our crucial work, please visit our Contact page on our website or send an email to

In addition to financial contributions, we are actively seeking sponsors who can provide in-kind support or resources that complement our efforts. If your organization possesses expertise, resources, or connections that could enhance our project, we welcome your insights and collaboration.

When reaching out, kindly share your interest in sponsorship, along with any specific details about your organization, the type of support you can offer, and how you envision our partnership. Our dedicated team will promptly respond with information on how we can work together to achieve our shared goals.

We eagerly anticipate the possibility of partnering with you and value your potential sponsorship in driving positive change. Your involvement and commitment to our mission are highly valued, and together, we can create a more sustainable and climate-resilient future. Thank you for considering this meaningful partnership.

Can I contributE in other way than financial support?

Absolutely! There are several meaningful ways you can get involved and support our project beyond financial contributions:

Spread the Word

Help us raise awareness about our project and its goals by sharing our updates, stories, and findings on your social media platforms. Your voice can amplify our message and inspire more people to join the cause.

Gear and Equipment Collaboration

If you are a producer of a specialised gear, equipment, or other resources that would be valuable to our project, please reach out to us. Your contribution could enhance our ability to conduct research and document our journey. All partnerships will be highlighted on our website and in the media materials from the trip.

Suggest Partnerships

If you know of organizations, companies, or individuals who share our passion for climate science and sustainability, and who might be interested in partnering with us, please let us know. Collaborations with like-minded entities can significantly bolster our efforts.

Your support, whether through social engagement, equipment contributions, or partnership recommendations, is invaluable to us. Together, we can make a substantial impact in advancing climate research and promoting sustainable practices for a better future. Feel free to contact us with your ideas and suggestions; we greatly appreciate your involvement!

What is included in your journey costs?

Our project costs are meticulously structured to ensure that every aspect of the project is conducted with precision and relevance to our research goals. We understand that our investors seek transparency and value in supporting this non-commercial endeavor. Here's what is comprehensively included in the journey costs:

Scientific Expertise

Our team and our partners are world-class researchers and scientists who lead, supervise, and contribute their expertise to the project. This expertise is the foundation of our scientific outcomes.

Logistics and Safety

The journey costs encompass logistical arrangements, safety measures which ensure the well-being and smooth operation of the project. This includes accommodation, meals and expert-guided tours.

Educational Initiatives

Funds are allocated to educational workshops, presentations, and outreach activities designed to share the project's findings and insights, contributing to public awareness and climate literacy.

Community Engagement

We dedicate resources to fostering meaningful engagement with local communities, respecting their cultures, and sharing our knowledge while learning from their experiences.

Sustainable Practices

Our commitment to sustainability extends to our expenditure. We aim to minimize environmental impact, support local economies, and adhere to ethical practices throughout the project.

Project Documentation

The costs cover the production of high-quality documentation, reports, and publications, which serve as valuable contributions to the field of climate science.

Contributions are an investment in the advancement of scientific knowledge and global climate resilience. We greatly appreciate the support of our investors, and we are committed to utilizing these funds judiciously to maximize the impact of our scientific project for the betterment of our planet and future generations.

A British project in India???

We deeply appreciate your question and acknowledge the historical colonial context that connects Britain and India. Our project is grounded in the principles of respect, collaboration, and cultural sensitivity.

While our project might be organized by individuals with diverse backgrounds, including British participants, it is not about perpetuating colonialism or dominance. Instead, it is an opportunity for international cooperation and collaboration. We firmly believe that scientific research and climate-related endeavors should transcend borders and be a joint effort to address global challenges.

We are committed to fostering relationships with local communities and respecting their culture, knowledge, and traditions. Our project prioritizes local partnerships and actively engages with communities to ensure our presence is respectful, mutually beneficial, and environmentally responsible. We strive to leave a positive impact and support initiatives that contribute to the well-being and resilience of the regions we explore.

Our mission is not just about the destination but also the journey towards a more sustainable and equitable future. We value diversity, inclusivity, and the sharing of knowledge across borders, all of which are integral to our commitment to respecting and learning from the cultures we encounter along the way.